JavaScript introduction

javascript -intro

JavaScript was developed by Brendan Eich in 1995, which appeared in Netscape, a popular browser of that time. The language was initially called LiveScript and was later renamed JavaScript. There are many programmers who think that JavaScript and Java are the same. In fact, JavaScript and Java are very much unrelated

javascript - why?

javascript is a part of a basic website building  

1. HTML - it provides markup (simple text) to the web page

2.CSS - it provides styling to the webpage for better visual for user

3. javascript - it provides an interactive interface to our webpage 

javascript - where?

we can add javascript in three place

1.javascript in <head> section

javascript in <head>

2javascript in <body> section

3 javascript in the external script

External javascript - advantage!

you can separate markup(textual) and logical code In a separate file.
it gives you benefit as you grow and work in a project which has a bunch of coding.

"it also makes code more cleaner"

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